

As much as it drives me crazy, kids seem to get a kick out of things that are spelled wrong. Is it rebellion? Freedom from parental oversight? Not sure. What I do know is that all my son’s beloved graphic novels have at least one ‘z’ where an ‘s’ should be. So, in that spirit, here is a recipe for Baoballz, with ‘z’.

They use my son’s favorite form of social currency, Baobites (I swear, he uses them to trade favors from his school friends). I hope they are as big a hit at your house.

Tip: Get the kids rolling the baoballz, and they will likely be the perfect size for them.

Dana Green Remedios, RHN, RNCP, NNCP, is a Vancouver-based educator and coach. She is a regular contributor to the FloraHealthy blog and can answer your questions in English, French, and Spanish as a Product Information Specialist at Flora.