By choosing a natural health product with the Canada Organic logo, you're making a conscious choice to support sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, and a healthier planet.
The CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) is the government agency responsible for organic food safety and product inspection in Canada. Use of the Canada Organic logo on an organic product is restricted to those that legally meet the CFIA’s Canadian Organic Standards and have passed the Canadian Organic Regime (COR) certification process, meeting the specific standards for organic production and handling for Canada.
Canadian Organic Certification Guarantees:
- Third-Party Certification: A reputable CFIA-approved certifying agency verifies all standards and requirements of the Canadian Organic Regime are met
- Non-GMO: Products are proven free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and are unlikely to be sprayed with RoundUp herbicide. Note that non-GMO crops may be sprayed with glyphosate post harvest, unless they are also Certified Organic.
- Chemical Limits: Synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers like neonicotinoids, are strictly restricted or prohibited, reducing use and exposure. Crops are not sprayed with glyphosate herbicide prior to or after harvest.
- Animal Welfare: Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors check that animal ingredients are derived from humanely raised, growth hormone and antibiotic-free animals with pasture access, and organic feed. Products are not made with animal labour.
- Sustainable Farming Practices: Organic farming promotes soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation. Ingredients sourced in knowingly destructive manner are unallowed.
- Transparent Sourcing: Proof about a company’s purchases must show that ingredients such as seeds or herbs must come from organic farms inspected by third parties.
- Transparent Processing: Certificates of Analysis and Standard Operating Procedures are verified to ensure processing methods minimize the use of artificial additives, preservatives, and synthetic colors and preserve natural ingredient integrity.