Subscription automatically renews and you will continue to be charged on a recurring basis at the frequency period you select (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 weeks) until you cancel.
See Subscribe & Save & Cancellation Terms for full details.
*Shipments to Yukon and Northwest Territories are not eligible for free shipping offers.
Yes! You you have complete control over your subscriptions including the ability to:
- View your subscription details, including products, prices, delivery frequency, etc.
- View the next shipment & charge date
- Skip an upcoming order
- Change your delivery frequency
- Add a product to your subscription
- Remove a product from your subscription
- Swap a product with a different product
- Apply a coupon code
- Update your shipping address
- Update your payment information
- Cancel your subscription
You may accomplish all this by logging into your account, and managing your subscriptions in your account dashboard.
Yes! You will be notified via email 5 days prior to your credit card being processed. You may make any changes to your order ahead of time.
Unfortunately no, we cannot offer custom frequency of your autoship orders. However you can change your frquency at anytime by logging into your account and managing your subscriptions. Your next order will be charged on the date you purchased the order, unless otherwise changed. You also have the ability to change your next shipment date or skip your next order.
Good question! You have the ability to change your shipping address at anytime. You may change it to wherever you are or to a neighbor temporarily. You can also change your next delivery date. Once changed, your order frequency will start on the new date.
Generally yes, but it depends on the details of the specific coupon. Your loyalty rewards points can be applied to your autoship orders.
Yes, there are no commitments associated with our autoship subscriptions. You may cancel at anytime by logging into your account and clicking on "Manage Subscriptions" from your account dashboard. When you cancel, you will receive an email confirming your cancellation. Alternatively, you also have the option to skip your upcoming order.