Employee Spotlight - Faye Aspden

Employee Spotlight - Faye Aspden

Here at Flora, we feel as though we're all one big family. Some of us are new to the company while others have been here for 20+ years. We each bring a unique set of qualities to the company. Therefore, we thought we'd post an employee spotlight from time to time so our subscribers can get to know our employees a little better.

Name: Faye Aspden Title: Inside Sales Consultant What is Your Role at Flora?: I take care of all the accounts who do not have a physical sales rep. Years with Flora?: 18 What brought you to Flora?: Husbands health issues. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one Flora product with you, what would it be and why?: Flor-Essence (US/CA) because it keeps the blood pure. It's the weekend, what are you most looking forward to?: Singing and dancing! If you could have one "super power", what would it be and why?: I would have the power to heal my 25 year old granddaughter with stage 3 melanoma. Share something most people don't know about you.: I volunteered with CA Dept. of Forestry and fought forest fires for a year. We all try to eat healthy, but what is your guilty food pleasure?: Lays potato chips. Favorite Quote: You must first perceive then believe in order to achieve.